The NBA Draft: A Perfect Solution to The One-year Eligibility Issue
A longtime sports fan describes how the NBA needs to change their one-year-out-of-college eligibility policy, and submits his perfect solution for that issue.
View ArticleRacial Tensions in The 21st Century: Is It Really That Bad?
In light of the recent police killings in Ferguson, MO - and other places - the immigration issue and the ongoing backlash to Barack Obama's presidency, an African American male expresses his opinions...
View ArticleMy Personal Racism Story: The Time I Was Denied a Job Because of (In My View)...
An African American male in his mid-forties recounts what happened to him during his college days when a girls' softball coach took one look at him after an impressive phone interview and - not in so...
View ArticleBeing "Black Enough": My Frustrations with This Concept
An African American male vents on how he wasn't seen by certain fellow blacks as "Not Black Enough" throughout his life, how frustrating and sad this is, and how in his view this is the main problem...
View ArticleNever-ending Injustice: Thoughts on The Failure to Indict in Ferguson
Many people of all races understand and feel the frustration that the people of Ferguson, MO are feeling after the grand jury failed to indict Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown. However, in this...
View ArticlePondering My Mortality
A man entering his late 40s muses over his recent health issues and his realization that one day - perhpas not today, but one day - he will no longer be breathing after not thinking about that...
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